Ms Scarlett Harris
I have been at Oxford University since 2013 when I started my Medical Degree, and am currently in my 5th year of medical training. I integrated my departmental DPhil degree, funded by the MRC, into my medical school studies, and successfully completed my DPhil in 2020. My DPhil work focussed on how post-translational protein modifications adducted under oxidative conditions modulate adaptive immunity, with a focus on Advanced Glycation End (AGE) products and their reactive intermediates. Various studies have shown that these structures have enhanced immunogenicity compared to unmodified proteins but the mechanisms behind this are not understood. Throughout my project I investigated various possible mechanisms, particularly the effect of AGE-modified proteins on dendritic cell activation and the role of scavenger receptors. My current postdoctoral research interests lie in understanding the role of scavenger receptors in obesity.