Past Laboratory Members

Dr. Xiaochao Xue, Postdoctoral scientist working between the Dunn school and the Davis lab, Department of Chemistry (2020 - 2022).
Dr. Rebecca Moore, Postdoctoral scientist, lab manager and CL-III facility manager (2008 - 2021): now Senior Scientist at Spy Biotech, Oxford
Dr. Cherrelle Dacon, DPhil: SWDSOP DPhil student (2016-2019): now Malaria Research Collaborative Fellowship award holder, NIH, USA
Dr. Niloofar Karaji, DPhil: SWDSOP DPhil student (2014 - 2018): now scientist at Orbit Discovery biotech company, Oxford.
Dr. Jonathan Dodd, PhD, Postdoctoral Scientist (2016 - 2017): now working in industry
Dr. Torben Schiffner, DPhil: SWDSOP DPhil student (2010-2014), postdoc (2014-2015): now staff scientist in the Bill Schief lab, Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA USA.
Dr. Thao Do, DPhil: NIH-Oxford PhD studentship program (2010 - 2014): now self-employed.
Dr. Adjoa Smalls-Mantey, DPhil: NIH-Oxford Program DPhil student (2011-2014), now attending medical school, Columbia University.
Dr. Amy Baxter, DPhil: Wellcome Trust 4 year PhD Programme in Infection, Immunity and Translational Medicine (2010-2013) and postdoc (2013-2014): now senior postdoc with John Wherry, U. Penn, USA.
Dr. William Hillson, DPhil: SWDSOP DPhil student (2011-2014), now science patent lawyer.
Dr. Chris Duncan MD, DPhil: Wellcome Trust-funded PhD Programme for Clinicans (2011-2013); co-supervisor Sir Andrew McMichael, WIMM. Now Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellow and Honorary Consutant, University of Newcastle.
Ms Gamma Needham, BSc: Research Assistant and Assistant Laboratory Manager (2010-2012), Administrative Officer SWDSOP.
Dr. Frank Wegmann, PhD: Gates Foundation Grand Challenge Postdoctoral Scientist (2008-2013), now Senior Scientist at Janssen and Janssen, Leiden, Holland
Dr. Sarah Brinckmann, DPhil: EU (Europrise)-funded DPhil student (2009-2012): now asset manager, Holland.
Dr. Leo Kong, DPhil: NIH-Oxford program DPhil student (2008-2010), now Product Quality Reviewer at the Office of Biotechnology, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), USA
Ms. Karoliina Laamanen BSc: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-funded Graduate Research Assistant (2006-2010): now Senior Technical Assistant at the Helsinki BloodSevice, Finland
Dr. Sinead Brady, PhD: IAVI-funded Postdoctoral Research Scientist (2007-2009).
Dr. Fedde Groot BSc, PhD: amFAR Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2007-2009): now clinical registrar, Amsterdam, Holland
Dr. Nicola Martin BM, DPhil: MRC-funded DPhil student (2006-2009): now clinical registrar and academic fellow, Oxford NHS Trust and University of Oxford
Dr. George Krashias DPhil: Bodossaki Foundation DPhil Student (2006-2009): now Lecturer, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Dr. Catherine Sargent, MD, MRC-funded DPhil student (2006-2009): co-supervised with A. McMichael, NDM: now practicing clinician in infectious diseases.
Dr. Giulia Zanetti, DPhil: Wellcome Trust DPhil studentship (2006-2009): co-supervised with Stephen Fuller, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics: now Royal Society Fellow at Birkbeck College London.
Dr. Stefanie Michor, DPhil: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded DPhil (2005-2009): now asset manager, Austria.
Dr. Samer Sourial, PhD: Postdoctoral Research Scientist (2007-2008): now practicing clinician
Dr. Clare Jolly, PhD: Wellcome Trust then MRC-funded Postdoctoral Research Scientist (2000-2008): now Wellcome Trust Investigator, UCL, London UK
Ms. Cynthia Robson, BSc, Laboratory Manager and Graduate Research Assistant (2005-2007): now Funding Administrator, Auckland University, New Zealand
Dr. Daniela Romer, MSc, DPhil: EU-funded DPhil student (2003-2007): now Medical Department of Sanofi-Aventis, Germany
Dr. Emma Jones, DPhil: EU-funded Postdoctoral Research Scientist (2005-2006): now Senior Postdoctoral Research Staff, Cardiff University, Wales
Dr. Neil Sheppard, DPhil: MRC-funded DPhil student (2003-2006), Gates Foundation-funded Postdoctoral Scientist (2006-2007): Research Leader and Innovator, Esprit R&D Associate, GSK, Philadelphia.
Dr. Ivonne Mitar, DPhil: MRC-funded Research Assistant and Dphil student (2002-2007): now Staff member, Scientific Consultancy, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Katherine Gantlett (née Fowler), DPhil: Wellcome Trust Infection and Immunity DPhil (2002-2005): now Vaccine Clinical trials manager, The Jenner Vaccine Institute, University of Oxford